Find out whether the Free or the Pro subscription is the right choice for you.
You can upgrade or downgrade at any time.
Compare Plans
Free Plan Free | Pro Plan $4.99 / month | |
Expenses (unlimited) | ||
Expenses (unlimited) | | |
Incomes (unlimited) | ||
Incomes (unlimited) | | |
Transfers (unlimited) | ||
Transfers (unlimited) | | |
Bills (unlimited) | ||
Bills (unlimited) | | |
Loans (unlimited) | ||
Loans (unlimited) | | |
Custom Expense Categories | ||
Custom Expense Categories | | |
Custom Income Categories | ||
Custom Income Categories | | |
Reports | ||
Reports | | |
Accounts | ||
Accounts | up to 3 accounts | |
Recurring Bills | ||
Recurring Bills | up to 7 bills | |
Recurring Expenses | ||
Recurring Expenses | up to 3 recurrences | |
Recurring Incomes | ||
Recurring Incomes | up to 3 recurrences | |
Recurring Transfers | ||
Recurring Transfers | up to 3 recurrences | |
Multi-category Expenses | ||
Multi-category Expenses | | |
Bank Statement Import | ||
Bank Statement Import | | |
File Attachments | ||
File Attachments | | |
Multi-user Access | ||
Multi-user Access | | |
Goals & Piggybanks | ||
Goals & Piggybanks | | |
Forecasts | ||
Forecasts | | |
Tags & Advanced Reports | ||
Tags & Advanced Reports | | |
Is my data used for advertising?
No, we never access or use your data for any purpose other than the functionality of the app.
Does the Free plan have ads?
No, we don't use ads as a revenue source. In newsletters or posts we might include recommendations that have an affiliate link behind it, but we'll be transparent.
Do you guarantee not to sell my data?
Yes, we guarantee it through our Terms of Service, and as per the EU legislation we're the subject of, any change to that policy would need your express approval.
Can I delete my data?
Yes, should you decide to close your account, we'll delete all your data from our systems. Deletion takes up to 24 hours and deletion from the encrypted disaster recovery backups up to 1 month, but after that point your data will be gone.
Is the Free plan limited?
The Free plan is limited to 3 accounts, 7 recurring bills and 3 recurring incomes and expenses. The Pro plan has no limits.
Are there unique features to the Pro plan?
Yes, you can check the table above of an updated list of the functions included in the Pro account.
Can I downgrade from Pro to Free? What happens to my data?
Yes, you can downgrade at any time. No data is lost, but accounts or recurrences that are above the Free limit are disabled.
If I upgrade back to the Pro account after downgrading, do I get my data back?
Yes, when downgrading no data is lost. You will need however to manually re-enable accounts and recurrences that were disabled on downgrade.